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March 19, 2025

Texas State Parks Event Comes Together
TSPOTA logo and link

      MARS is planning for the annual Texas State Parks on the Air special event April 12 at the Johnson Branch Unit of Ray Roberts Lake State Park. As in past years, we will be in the pavilion near the Nature Center. While the event runs through Sunday, we will work in the park only Saturday but we expect to make a lot of contacts and have a lot of fun.

      Plans are to set up bright and early about 7:00 AM. We will work all modes and need volunteers to come join us to set up, operate, and enjoy the camaraderie. Bring your favorite field rig and enjoy the spring weather.

      Please go here to sign up. There will be lunch and dinner, but we are asking for a donation to help defray the cost.

      All the rules are on the TSPOTA website, We’re looking forward to seeing you.

Storm Damage Repaired
Antennas on the roof showing how the wind has tilted them.

      The recent wind storms caused our antennas high atop the Carrollton Regional Medical Center to assume a lazy angle. Damage was done to the folded dipole arrays for our 145.210 standby repeater and our 444.075 machine, as well as to our Winlink antenna and the DMR machine. An antenna belonging to the CRMC was also tilted. Fortunately, MARS repeater mavens Dave Lane, N5GDL, Ron Reeves, NN5R, Andy Smolenski, KI5YLX, and tower climber David Darcy, KF5LKG, had the solution.

      On Sunday, March 16, the team ventured to the roof to straighten the wayward radiators. The Winlink and DMR antennas had to be replaced altogether. Interestingly, all stations continued to function despite the less-than-ideal conditions. A few hours later the farm was replanted as it should be. Many thanks go to the team for all their hard work.

Vernal Equinox

Thursday, March 20. 4:01 AM CT

Next Regular Meeting

Thursday, April 10, 2025, 7:00 PM

April’s topic will be Astro Photography.

More details on the EVENTS page.

Metrocrest ARS Play Day Logo
Radio Play Day

Saturday, April 19, 2025.

Visit the EVENTS page for details.

License Testing

Allan Batteiger, WB5QNG, will have an in-person test session on the third Saturday April 19, 2025.

Check the EVENTS page for details. Allan continues to offer remote testing sessions as well. Please visit to learn how to sign up.

Farmers Branch
Next scheduled nets

ARES® Training

April 13, 2025, 8:00 PM CT

​145.210 Tone 110.9

​​RACES Training

April 20, 2025, 7:45 PM CT
145.210 Tone 110.9

Please go to the ARES/RACES PAGE for more information.

Pieter van Musschenbroek
Leyden Jar

“You’ll get a charge out of this.”


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“ARES®” and “Amateur Radio Emergency Service®” are registered service marks of the American Radio Relay League, Incorporated and are used by permission.

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