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About Mars

The Metrocrest Amateur Radio Society, Inc. is an IRS-recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation governed by a set of BY-LAWS and CORPORATE RESOLUTIONS. Our club call sign is KB5A (see sidebar).

MARS was founded in 1979 by Allan Batteiger, John Oliver, Jim Gerke, Lee Cheever, Bill Abernathy, Tom Brewer, Alex Dodge and others. We are affiliated with the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) as a Special Service Club. As such, MARS has several activities throughout the year to promote ham radio.

We meet once a month with a speaker on some topic related to amateur radio. Check the HOME page for details about our next meeting.

The Board of Directors usually meet the day before the regular meeting. Board meetings are open to all members.

On the third Saturday of each month, we usually have what we call, “Play Day.” Hams gather to get practical experience with radios, using various communication modes and actually building ham equipment. Please go to the EVENTS PAGE for information about the next “Play Day.”

The club operates or is affiliated with eight repeaters: three on 2 meters, four on 70 cm and one on the 33 cm band. We maintain a Winlink® packet gateway on 2 meters as well. You’ll find the frequencies, offsets, CTCSS tones and more information on the REPEATERS page.


The club is associated with the Carrollton-Farmers Branch-Addison ARES®/
RACES organization. This group helps monitor severe weather in the area and provide backup communications capabilities in case of emergency. In addition, Carrollton-Farmers Branch-Addison ARES®/RACES helps provide communications at scheduled events around the area. Check out the ARES/RACES PAGE for more information.

MARS participates in the ARRL’s annual Field Day. This is an exciting event for all amateur radio operators throughout north America and the club looks forward to making as many contacts as possible. Check the EVENTS page for more information.


In conjunction with WB5QNG, the club holds regularly-scheduled amateur radio licensing exams. WB5QNG also frequently teaches classes on getting your amateur radio license. Visit the BECOME A HAM page for more information.


Our annual Christmas Party is held in December. The event typically features door prizes and a buffet dinner. Past prizes included radios, wireless weather stations, ARRL books and other amateur radio related items. It’s a great way to finish the year and enjoy the friendship of fellow members and their guests.

If you would like to become a member, please visit the JOIN page for complete information. Meanwhile, go now to the OFFICERS page to meet our Board of Directors.

“ARES®” and “Amateur Radio Emergency Service” are registered servicemarks of the American Radio Relay League, Incorporated and are used by permission.

©2014-2025 Metrocrest Amateur Radio Society, Inc. All Rights Reserved

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