Metrocrest Amateur Radio Society

Updated July 15, 2021
Hams Helping Hams

From right to left: Andrew Koenig, KE5GDB; Gerald Marchant, WB5NZV; David Lewis, AC5DL; Chris Gerke, K5SXD; Nathaniel Gerke; De’Borah Bankston Deaz, KB5OQX; Jim Gerke, K5JG; Ron Reeves, NN5R; Darrell Crimmins, KG5E; and Dave Lane, N5GDL. Thanks go to Samantha Gerke for making the photo.
Earlier this year former club member De’Borah Bankston Deaz, KB5OQX, of Gladewater contacted MARS about the donation of almost 2,000 feet of commercial grade surplus 7/8-inch Heliax® transmission line. Her late husband Roger Bankston, W5IAB, had the coax hooked up to multiple antennas with the bulk of it flat on the ground.
In return for the donation, all De’Borah wanted was some help in extending internet service to the ham shack located a few hundred feet from her home. Dave Lane, N5GDL, and Darrell Crimmins, KG5E, whose second home is nearby in east Texas, visited the site to evaluate the Heliax and to determine how best way to recover it.
Some Sound Advice

At the June 10 meeting, MARS was privileged to hear Dr. Bob Heil, K9EID, give an excellent presentation about all things audio. He explained why the needs of amateur radio are quite different from the needs of studio recording.
He offered specific advice about how to improve your ability to break through the pileups and a bit about antennas as well.
Early in his career, Bob created what is now the standard in musical concert sound. He credits all his success to what he learned as a ham radio operator.
Please go here to download a copy of his presentation. It is a large file, so please be patient.
New Faces on the Board
June 10, 2021
The election at our Annual Meeting brought some new folks to the Board of Directors. Gary Rodgers, KI5X, will take the Vice President’s chair from Tom Yenny, K5LOL. Darrell Crimmins, KG5E, will succeed Director Steve Darrah, KD5YPB, whose term expired due to term limits.
Returning for another term are David Gilpin, K5GIL, President; Dave Lane, N5GDL, Secretary; J. J. Henry, N5IMS, Treasurer; along with Directors Allan Batteiger, WB5QNG, and David Lewis, AC5DL. Kevin Grantham, N5KRG, continues to serve as Immediate Past President.
The new Board Members will take office on July 1. Congratulations go to all the new officers with thanks to the other candidates and to the outgoing Officers who stepped up to serve on the MARS Board.
President’s QRM — Random noise from the President’s Shack
June 2021
About an hour after the end of our last meeting on Thursday May 13 I received an email from Bill Byrom, N5BB, Vice President of the Irving Amateur Radio Club (IARC) saying our Micro-Grant request for the “Carrollton EOC Ham Radio Refresh” project from MARS was approved! We received a check from IARC for $847.00 and we will be ordering:
• Yaesu FTM-300-DR Dual Band Mobile
• MFJ-4230MVP 30A Power Supply w/meters and Powerpole connectors
• RT Systems YPS-M300-USB Programming Software and USB Cable
• Diamond X50NA Dual Band Base Antenna
• Masters Communications DRA-50 Digital Radio Adapter assembled w/case
• Masters Communications DRAC-12 Interface Cable
IARC is well aware of the supply chain issues that our ham radio retailers are currently facing. We will be ordering most of the equipment from Main Trading Company to help support Richard and the gang.
Carrollton Emergency Management Coordinator Elliot Reep, says the Carrollton EOC might be relocated soon so the installation of this gear is “on hold” pending on that decision. The City of Carrollton will provide the feedline and antenna installation, regardless of its final location.
On Saturday May 15, MARS VP Tom Yenny, K5LOL, represented the Club on a WebEx conference that included all grant award winners. Tom shared with the attendees our justifications for this project and its impact on the community:
• The old existing Kenwood is not computer-programmable. The new Yaesu will allow us to more easily program the radio to work with other EOCs in the area. Flexibility, stability, and performance improvements are key aspects.
• The grant also improves our relationship with the City of Carrollton, demonstrating our commitment to being adaptable to their needs. The new gear can deliver some of the most modern modes of operation.
• The equipment helps us better serve the public in times of crisis; ARES and RACES organizations can coordinate activities easier with the new gear.
Bill told me that the Irving Micro-Grant team members were impressed with the simplicity and efficiency of this Project. It provides significant value to the served agency and the greater public.
Thanks to all who contributed time and knowledge to the MARS Grant Team for putting this together, and a special thanks to Andy Parcel, KE5KOF, for providing the idea for this project!
That’s it for now. 73 David, K5GIL

FCC Updates
After June 29, all applications will be required to contain an email address for FCC correspondence.
Please visit https://apps.fcc.gov/coresWeb/updateRegistrationPre.do to update your license information.
Visit the FCC ULS link here: https://www.fcc.gov/wireless/universal-licensing-system.