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Metrocrest Amateur Radio Society
Signals at the Switchyard
7 November 2015
The crowd around the gazebo. | Ham Street in downtown Carrollton. | The VHF goes up on KD5YPB’s mast. |
Steve KD5YPB gives the dipole a strength test. | 20m & 40m sticks with a 2m on top of KD5YPB’s mast. | Liz K5EMB preps the literature table. |
Kevin N5KRG produced this nifty brochure. | David AF5U looking for sigs. | David AF5U running CW QRP. |
Power comes from the sun with AF5U’s panel. | David K5GIL checks in. | Daryl KE5SAB enjoys his morning cup. |
PSK on the big screen (thanks to K5GIL). | Andy KE5KOF, Jim KG5GIF, and Rick KG5HOA muscle up the CrankIR. | Andy KE5KOF makes a precision adjustment. |
David K5GIL tunes the CrankIR. | The CrankIR rises into the ether. | Granger AF5BG is very happy to be here. |
Ron NN5R hanging around. | Signs a-plenty. | All new hams are fascinated by the possibilities. |
“I think that’s my call.” | CW is serious work. | The crowd patiently waits its turn. |
Nice to have someone check your work. | Traffic handling is an important skill. | Dits ’n’ Dahs |
This new operator reaps a priceless reward. | K5EMB shows how to do it. | Mom waits her turn. |
Another very happy customer. | Can non-humans be licensed? | Oh, it’s a disguise!! |
Steve KD5YPB campaigns with a future ham. | Ron NN5R finds an interesting read. | Arnold K0YVI helps with the dots and dashes. |
Scouts enjoy CW too! | This scout may already suffer a “glass arm.” | Mom wants to be next. |
Ron NN5R explains the joys of QRP. | David, AF5U, and Van, AG5VK, in deep discussion. | Andy KE5KOF on patrol. |
Code is a family affair. | Sometimes two hands are better. | This youngster has a really big hand. |
The crowd queues quietly. | The Switchyard shack was a busy place. | Steve KD5YPB demonstrates Winlink. |
Festival Hams | 73 from KB5A! |
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